Many people plant arborvitaes in their gardens since they are such beautiful evergreen trees. And maybe you are planning to do that, too. Do you think you can grow it in a raised bed, though? Well, we conducted thorough research to give you the answer you are looking for.
You can plant arborvitaes in a raised bed as long as they can get to the soil underneath. You have to ensure that the roots can access the ground to hold onto and absorb its nutrients.
Aside from knowing if you can plant your arborvitaes in a raised bed, it would be best to learn how to take care of them properly. And to do that, we suggest you keep reading the entire post. Let's start the discussion and enjoy reading!
Planting Arborvitae In Raised Bed
There will be no problem if you are to plant your arborvitae in raised beds. As long as you know the proper care and let it access the soil at the bottom of the bed, you are good to go!
What Are The Best Arborvitae Varieties?
In contrast to other evergreens, the American arborvitae grows to great heights and has a broad pyramidal shape.
This impressive tree can grow up to 40 to 60 feet tall. Choose those with a sturdy core stem to protect your plants from elements like wind, snow, and ice.
Hetz Midget
The average height of this variety is between 3 to 4 feet. If you want to use arborvitae as a foundational plant, it would be best to use this variety since it has a naturally spherical shape which will look suitable for the area.
This variety is a conical evergreen that may reach a height of up to 15 feet and as broad as 8 feet. One of its characteristics is its slightly fragrant leaves that look like scale. This variety is a unique find.
Moreover, you must ensure that it receives regular, in-depth watering if you want it to thrive in various soil conditions.
Emerald Green
This variety of arborvitae is very popular. It can reach a height of 15 feet and a width of 4 feet. Additionally, it can form a slender tower of gleaming green leaves.
Tom Thumb
It is a dwarf variety of arborvitae. You can quickly identify this with its one distinct characteristic: it only reaches a height of 12 to 15 inches. Thanks to its round shape and several stems, it is the ideal compact shrub for pots and rock gardens.
Art Boe
It is a variety that stands slender and tall and can reach 15 feet, whether you plant it directly in a raised bed or pot.
How To Properly Care For Arborvitae
If you want your arborvitae to grow at their best, it would be best to take care of it properly. And to do that, we suggest you follow the following tips and guidelines:
How Much Water Does Arborvitae Need?
After you plant your arborvitaes, we highly suggest you provide them water two times every week. You should do this for the first several months.
Moreover, if the arborvitae has already established their roots, provide half an inch of water every week through natural means or irrigation.
What Soil To Use For Arborvitae?
Growing arborvitae successfully requires soil with a pH of neutral to alkaline. Also, the ground must be consistently moist and has good drainage.
Applying a thick layer of compost or mulch will help to retain soil dampness, which is especially important for arborvitae shrubs. It would be best if you do this annually. They do not like their roots in waterlogged soil, so it is advisable.
Why Is It Important To Provide Arborvitae With Adequate Light?
Ideally, you can place arborvitae in either direct sunlight or partial shade. However, we suggest not letting them have too much exposure to solid rays if you don't want to damage their delicate leaves. Additionally, you must remember that they don't do well in complete shade, which will drastically thin out the foliage.
In What Temperature And Humidity Arborvitaes Thrive?
If you want your arborvitaes to thrive at their finest, it would be best to consistently observe the humidity and temperature. Remember that they love to be in more relaxed and drier environments.
Your plants may experience fungal infections in humid environments. To avoid such a thing, it would be best to distance your arborvitaes from three to four feet apart. Additionally, preventing exposure to windy areas will be beneficial for your plants. It is true if you reside in a colder region.
What Is The Best Fertilizer For Arborvitae?
In general, arborvitaes can still thrive even without fertilizer. However, you should utilize a balanced or slow-release fertilizer that includes all significant nutrients if the fresh growth is extremely scant or delayed.
Click here to see this slow-release fertilizer on Amazon.
When Is The Ideal Time To Plant Arborvitae
The ideal time to plant arborvitae is in the early spring or late fall, before the earth freezes and you can't dig in.
Where To Plant Arborvitae
Choosing a location where to plant your arborvitae is kind of tricky. You have to find a spot that offers a lot of direct sunlight or a little shade. In addition, it would also be best to improve the quality of the soil. And to do that, we suggest digging into the ground and adding two inches of rotted manure or compost.
How To Plant Arborvitae
It is essential to know how to plant arborvitaes if you wish to have them on your property. Below are the steps on how to do it:
- Check the root ball of your plant and excavate a hole that is twice as deep and big as it is.
- Carefully loosen the roots by removing some of the dirt from them.
- If you plant the arborvitae in the hole, it would be best to ensure that the root ball's top is flush with the hole's top.
- Put the soil back in place around the plant's root ball and pack it down carefully with your hands.
- As soon as you have filled the hole halfway with soil, we suggest soaking it.
- Complete the filling process up to the upper part of the root ball.
- Thoroughly put water into the soil.
- Lastly, to help your plants retain moisture, cover the ground around them with two inches of layers of seasoned shredded wood mulch. Keep mulch away from the base of the plant's stem. Moreover, you can also use pine straw if wood mulch is unavailable.
How To Mulch Arborvitae
Incorporating a mulch in your arborvitae plant would be best. Put a two-inch layer around the plant's foundation. Using mulch for your plant can be very helpful since it slows down the rate at which soil dries out and aids in retaining moisture. Mulching takes on critical significance in extremely hot climates where the soil dries out often.
How To Repot Arborvitae
You'll know it's time to repot your arborvitae if the soil in the current one becomes too crowded to support the plant's growth.
Arborvitae can outgrow the current container for around two to three years. Moreover, if you're unsure of the proper pot size for your arborvitae, go with one roughly two-thirds as tall as the plant
How To Choose The Right Planter Size For Arborvitae
If you want to determine the appropriate size of garden planter for your arborvitae, it would be best to consider the following factors:
- variety of the arborvitae plant
- root ball size
- whether or not you plan to transplant the plant
A good rule of thumb is to use a pot that is six to seven times the diameter of the root ball. Use a 20-gallon container if you don't plan on repotting the plant for a while. Because it will hold the plant for so long, the container had better be solid and durable.
Although you can utilize whatever material, plastic or ceramic are exceptionally sturdy options.
How To Propagate Arborvitae Plants
To produce numerous arborvitae plants, you should know how to propagate them. Please refer to the following steps:
- Take cuttings in the late summer or fall. Take at least four inches from the fresh growth branch.
- Discard the foliage at the lower half of the cutting.
- Get a small container and fill it with a combination of peat moss and sand. You can also utilize an organic soil mix if peat moss is not available
- Prepare a rooting hormone and dip the cuttings onto it. Plant the cuttings into the pot you have prepared.
- Add water and a plastic lid or wrap to protect the plants from the elements.
- Carefully place the pot in an area where it can get indirect sunlight.
- If the soil dries out, add water to it.
- Root formation will take place over six to eight weeks.
- After weeks of waiting, examine the arborvitae for roots and remove the plastic wrap.
- Move the plant to a larger pot.
- Place the plant outside in the spring.
Wrap It All Up
If you want to plant your arborvitae in raised beds, follow the guidelines to take care of them properly. Additionally, you must ensure that the roots of the plants will reach the soil at the bed for the root to hold onto.
Thank you for reading this post. If you have more questions, please feel free to comment. We'd love to hear from you! To continue reading, you might want to check out these posts!
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